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We've Heard your suggestions on what anime to watch next and now it's time to vote! 



In case you guys didnt know horimiya is getting extra episodes this upcoming anime season (not really a season 2, just stuff they apparently left out of season 1). Great anime


Easy 86, Hunter x Hunter is my second favorite anime but would rather watch something neither of you have seen. Also is fucking amazing




Why watch hunter x hunter when one of you always seen it, just kill the vibe of reaction in the first place.


I'll start 86 if it wins


86 is def a good watch and not too many people react to it, I feel like in the reaction community it’s pretty rare to fine people that react to it

Quiet Whyit

Hunter x hunter 🔥🔥 a second watch is good. Steph will notice things that fly over the heads of first time viewers


I know you guys would love 86, such a good anime that not a lot of people mention. I’d also rather you guys watch something that both of you have never seen before.

Steph Satoru

HunterxHunter Yeaa Lmao

Nico Anthony

Which is also a reason I want them to react to Horimiya. HxH is my fav anime but would love to see them react to Horimiya, as also would be a shorter series. Tho I do believe HxH anime is coming back (not sure if they said a release date for when it comes back)


Yeah id usually be in favour of HxH aswell but as steph has already seen it id rather have a fresh reaction from both. And i didnt know that, last info i had was the mangaka still not being able to continue the manga

Alan Cortes

Ranking of kings ?


86 is a masterpiece, i really hope that you will react to it someday, you will love this show, i promise.



Sean J

ik a lot of HxH votes is in but if u seen a good majority it’s really no point on our end tbh 😭 yuyu gotta be watched


Steph already watched the Fate series on his own (Zero, UBW and i think also the Heaven's feel movies).


Watching Yu yu hakusho as an adult hit way different

Roberto Rojas

Yesssirrr Hunter Hunter

zILovePelmeni _

Please 86 if Steph already watched HxH


If steph is down to re watch then do it


You guys should also give code geass another try


Damn yuyu is one of my all time favorites

H7MBLEON3 (edited)

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2023-06-26 04:35:54 86 tho
2023-06-26 00:07:22 86 tho

86 tho


Man so many reactors already watching HxH. YuYu would be refreshing. 86 as well woild be good


Yeah watch 86 guys.

Juan L

I've seen YuYu Hakusho and 86. But I'll rewatch or watch anything new with you guys😎😎💪🔥🔥

Steph Satoru

Not really. I’d love to see Mel experience it and Steph will probably realize a whole lot more the second time


Please, no need for hunter x hunter. Give other good shows a chance, 86 been voted so many times 😩


Nooo 86 is losing 😭


take my word 86, is the goat show ofcourse vinland saga number 1 but 86 is so good


86 for the win


@Jalen Holmes I'll take your word for it 👍🏻

Steph Motion (edited)

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2023-06-27 06:18:59 Majority wins😈
2023-06-26 04:37:37 Majority wins😈

Majority wins😈

Steph Motion (edited)

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2023-06-27 06:17:03 I don’t get why ppl get upset over the polls lol the whole point of it is to vote lol not just beg them to pick the losing choice lol
2023-06-26 04:39:34 I don’t get why ppl get upset over the polls lol the whole point of it is to vote lol not just beg them to pick the losing choice lol

I don’t get why ppl get upset over the polls lol the whole point of it is to vote lol not just beg them to pick the losing choice lol


86 better..it would be new for both HxH was reacted by soo manyy people 86 would give a new and fresh vibe to the channel on ytb

Killua X

heck ya, when HxH is winning even with a re-watch, u know there are ppl w/ good taste in the community

Rick Liu

this list,I will say HXH is the best.

Steph Motion (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 06:18:59 What you said made no sense but ok lol I’m not gonna argue lol
2023-06-26 12:06:19 What you said made no sense but ok lol I’m not gonna argue lol

What you said made no sense but ok lol I’m not gonna argue lol


Hunter mid Hunter


Out of this list I enjoy Hunter the most but I prefer the most genuine reaction experience to an awesome show. In my opinion YuYu Hakusho is the best compromise to me out of these four. It's a great series and I believe the same guy who created Hunter also made that one. Steph watched it when he was a kid so he has a lot of surprises in addition Mel having never seen it.


I doubt he remembers every single thing I watched it back in 2016 and I forgot alot


Better watch both HxH and 86 Hell s Paradise will be over this week anyway