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Still working hard despite extra work 🤰




If Albedo can't learn to take care of himself then he might have to lose his lab privilege. But in all honesty the I'm a sucker for the tough guy trying to work through their pregnancy symptoms. All look at the different size tums! I know everyone loves full term bellies but the starter ones are so good too!


I just want Albedo to be pregnant all the time im pretty certain of this lol Just he's so dang cute and gosh darnit he doesn't ever have the greatest luck with rambunxious little ones ;o; He is so dang adorable ;o; Also he works so hard it's a wonder he hasn't fainted ;o; Poor fella needs someone to take care of him while he is full of baby I mean his womb is at full capacity im sure he has said this many times <3 But ahhh these look even lovelier lined lovely work!!