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Guys I’m ngl making the comic can be very overwhelming sometimes and I feel like I’m on the verge of a burn out so I paused and did some drawing practice with these two🤧

Eh I feel like I got kinda better at heavily detailed character art but I still need to work on my skill

ALSO do not worry I will have the first pages of chapter 9 and maybe the entirety of chapter 9 ready by the end of the month I’m not pausing progress completely😭🙏

That said I’ll take it easy (maybe) pls be patient and remember I love all of you and ur support means the world truly🥹🫶🫶💖




please take your time and enjoy the process of your comic! I really love it but I don't want you to get burnout and lose your joy of drawing it ^_^ I'll look forward patiently and excitedly ♡


Also I love Blade carrying Danheng like a sack of potatoes xD


Adorable ahhhh Take care ❤️