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So this happened: our regular artist Wondollar, who lives in Florida, was impacted by the recent tornadoes that hit the State (he's fine, it was mostly power failures). That meant he was going to need some time off to handle things and build back our comics buffer.

At the same time, I released an 8-page comic to my backers that was an add-on to the Lady Whisper & Daisy Danger arc, with more adult content. As luck would have it, because I was resuming that specific arc in a new chapter, some of the FWB pages fit perfectly in the arc and let me (and Wondollar) build back a bit of buffer for the main comic.

So we're providing you with two pages (one today, the other next week) to enjoy while we work on the next pages together. If you're interested in the full Friends With Benefits pages, you can get them at the $10 tier.





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