This is...a bit embarassing to ask but.... (Patreon)
so i was wondering,do you want me leave mine cc as a "early access patreon"
or to just leave it as a patreon ?
i need a sincere respons from you guys has helped me so much so...i wanted to think about something that both of us can fun and all to put my cc behind paywall are not going to support me forever since ,you guys have your own private life to deal with. so,if any of you have a patreon technic(adivises) that can make me increas my patreons numbers and make it easy for you to come back (for free cc even after you left)when you deleted your donation,please let me now...i want you to feel confortable when we chat ...i'm still new at this and i want to make more patreons but at the same time,i want to make it easy for you guys to still enjoy my cc even after you left so that,even when you are not a patreon ,you feel wellcomed on my any advises are wellcome!!! i know it weird but ,i want to make best cc and having your point of means a lot to me...
If you want to get free cc, all I need is 30.000 views on my utip's commercials videos by the end on this month, this way, I'll share my cc for free.