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These last 3-4 days I have been working on improving waifucoin, the main bot of the server.


As you know Patreon has very difficult community rules, which makes it difficult for me to prepare packs to upload here, so to avoid problems and being banned the packs that may cause problems will be uploaded through the Discord server. That's why I was forced to improve waifucoin for a better management inside the server.

Waifucoin will be in a experimental period to test possible problems so that everything will be fine when the packs system will be available on the server, i will notify you here when everything is ready.

-What changes were made?

I will try to summarize it because it was a lot of days of programming

- New commands to manage memberships and roles, they will help to have a better control over the roles inside the server because the Patreon bot is not very good at managing them.

- Before when the bot was offline for different reasons and a new user entered the server it could not be added to the database automatically, which generated problems when trying to use /shop. Now in case you do not exist in the database the bot will automatically add you when you try to use /shop, as long as you have the necessary roles to do so.

- New command /toplifetime this command will show the 5 most contributing Patreons at all times.

- If your payment date was a day before the current day the bot will notify you that you made your monthly membership payment yesterday and will ask if you want to renew your waifucoins, if you react to the message the bot will automatically grant you your waifucoins according to your membership level.

- The waifucoins reset dates will be more accurate than before. As you know waifucoins cannot be staked, after one month of your membership they are reset to 0. Previously the date was not very accurate and needed manual adjustments because some users kept waifucoins from the previous month.

- Previously when a user tried to use the /balance command he could receive the value "undefined". Now it notifies you if you are not in the database, but this problem should not happen anymore.

- The /shop command only accepts to be executed by memberships above SIMP.

-Waifucoin will now be hosted on a paid server, which should decrease bot disconnections too much.




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