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Dear patrons, first of all I want to thank you for your great support in 2023. I am proud to see how much our community has grown over the years and I promise you a lot of exciting things for this year.  

My first project will be to offer you a better quality and cheaper pack system. The change will officially take effect next month, but for those of you who are at a loss, you can continue to use the current membership benefits for this month if you wish.

 The waifu packs from now on will be divided into 3 parts: 




SIMP pack basically will be a mix between sfw, nsfw and many more images to make the pack complete.

 Here are ONLY THE CHANGES in the memberships:

Hentai Director ($5): 

-Access to all SFW packs (uploaded on patreon).

-Preview of SIMP packs.

VIP Patreon ( ̷$̷1̷5̷ - $10):

-Price reduced from $15 to $10. 

-Access to ALL NSFW/VIP packs of the last 60 days (must request DM to see the pack).

-No commission service available, available from SIMP Tier (if you have waifucoins available you can spend them in the server, in case you have paid the membership in the last 30 days you can ask for your waifucoins).

- The membership card will not be available.

- Preview of the SIMP packs.

SIMP ($20): 

- The same service of commissions (wallpaper service not available).

- Exclusive monthly pack (SIMP PACK).

- Access to all SIMP/NSFW of the last 90 days (you must request DM to see the pack).

- Membership card will not be available.

Hentai Pack Master ($45):

- Same commission service + wallpaper service.

- Access to ALL PACKS (will be uploaded on Patreon without requesting access)

- Access to all packs in Google Drive for download.

- The membership card design will be available.

And there will be a specific week to work on commissions to reduce the waiting time.

I would really appreciate your feedback and hope to get your tastes right on this new project.


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