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Since the monster anthology sold out at MTAC and needed to be reprinted anyway, and because I had a print that I managed to accidentally not include in the original layout anyway (the fanged slime one, which was my biggest seller at MTAC coincidentally '-'), I went ahead and drew one more to round out the collection. Since halloween is rife with gore and skeletons, and I didn't have quite enough of that in the original anthology line up...

Also realized that all the monster girl prompt lists I could find never included a minotaur! Maybe because they're traditionally masculine? But that's no reason to leave 'em out! ;p

I'm also attaching the before-and-after update anthology index page. I'll get some photos of the updated books here soon, but I still have to organize my convention stuff that's clogging up my workspace first. '___' Stuff that I'll be sorting into grab bags and patreon gift packages too, btw. Gotta reprint a bunch of stuff too but I gotta take stock first. @_@

ALSO! I ordered a very limited supply of pillowcases - not quite daki size, but 20x30 so they pretty big. I'll make them available to buy to you guys first (can't do them for free because EGADS, were they $$$$ to order. My convention budget is spent as fuck now hahaha.) I won't be able to order more until when/if they go on sale big time again. (Unless anyone knows where to get reasonably priced, lewd-allowing dakis printed..? My overhead max is like $300, unless I do a pre-order kickstarter...)

Getting rambly again! Sorryyyyy~ <3



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