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Finished the line work on our strange scorpspiderpup girl! 'u' Just have to shade/highlight.

And I took the suggestion to use some more traditional masks, though I prettied 'em up a bit and tried to make their colors fit her palette better. I'm tempted to make her body weird and harajuku-like, but I fear it would get too involved and too busy looking. I don't really have a solid handle on that fashion style and how to draw it without taking 30+ hours to render exact details, soooo...probably should keep it simple and let the masks and hair keep the focus. '_'

I want to keep working right now but I need to force myself to sleep. Have to wake up and show up for jury duty. D: I *should* be dismissed as soon as I have the chance to tell them I'm self-employed, but I'm so nervous they're not gonna let me go for some reason. And not happy about having to waste my morning to tell them something I should be able to do over email or a 2-minute phone call. >_>




Looks like your Yokai would go very well with the "Fairy kei" style (or maybe "Sweet Lolita").

Noah O

Aww, look at how adorable the puppy is~ I just wanna snuggle her as she stabs that tail into my skull (because it looks like it would do that)~