Poetry Read + Preview to Bee 🐝🌷 (Patreon)
Poetry_Read_Preview_to... - audiogram.mp4 -
Poetry_Read_Preview_to... - audiogram.mp4
I had a recording session yesterday, and hopefully I'll get some more work done today. My throat isn't liking me very much this month as I've got a cough. Your Bee Queen may sound a little raspier than usual. (Small preview linked at the bottom of this post.)
Generally before jumping into a recording session, I like to do vocal warm-ups. Whether it be talking to myself, or finding short scripts to practice with. In our Discord server, some members have shared some original poetry. With their permission, here's my take on their lovely little shorts (embedded audio) :)
Warmed Up Cuddling with You [SFW] [Body hair appreciation] [Sharing warmth]
✒️ livejoker | 🎶 Carousel Dreams - The Soundlings
The Shadows Make No Noise [Horror] [Chase] [Close call] [Haunted house] [Ritual gone wrong] [Hide-and-seek-alone]
✒️ Kino_etc | 🎶 Sinister - Anno Domini Beats
Life is Living Art [Philosophical] [Optimistic]
✒️ Boo | 🎶 Last Sunrise - Adam MacDougall
🎧 Bee Preview: https://whyp.it/tracks/247289/
Tentative title/tags: [F4A] Will you Bee Mine? [Bee Monster Girl] [Tall Queen] [Friends to Lovers] [Kisses] [Bee-Boobies] [Honey] [Sticky situation] [No Sex]
Full audio will be a Patreon exclusive. Separate SFW standalone will be a YouTube release.
xoxo - I hope you're having a lovely weekend! 🥰💗