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Skitty reads "My Pet is a dick" stories from listeners and Reddit!

They're assholes.

... and yet, we love them! ❤︎  

If reincarnations are a thing, I want to come back as a cat. 

I want to be someone's little menace and still get headpats at the end of the day! >:)

🎨 Art: Purr.in.ink 

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That incident did prompt me to get Apollo something of his own to chew on, but you’re right, he only wants to chew on what’s mine… but he’s still a good bird and I love him anyways :)


Ahhh, I really do miss the companionship that a pet brings, but I can't really have 'em thanks to work. 😔 So, family / friends pets get extra pats when I'm around, thanks for the stories ya'll, 😊