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Thank you so much for keeping me company<3

Will post the doodle in a bit!


I will try to stream tomorrow, around 9PM EET
time zone converter for your convenience:


If the time changes I will make sure to update accordingly!
I will update the stream link when I will be streaming!

My anxiety been okay this week, so if I feel okay tomorrow I will definitely stream! 

Might do some stream requests!


Ash 🍁 Fall

I hope you feel better Sasha 🙏🏼 Don’t feel bad if you don’t end up feeling like streaming ♥️ definitely take care of yourself first!


A stream on my birthday?!?! Am I dreaming?


Super excited!! But if the anxiety is too much please don’t push yourself! Your health comes first!

Sof T

Ah! I'm at work for the next hour D: I'll have to catch the next one :) I hope you're well!


Thank you for streaming! It's fun to watch your creative process! 💕 rest well Sasha!