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--All Posts for December--

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!  I wont lie.  December was pretty awesome.  I really enjoyed a quiet no travel holiday. I got some work done and got to relax a little.. but only just a little.   I'm sure some of you got to visit with friends and family.  If you did I  hope it was safe and fun.

Now on to the art.  I think we all love to stuff the stockings of some special sexy boys and girlsout there.  Good, bad or in between they all need some attention.  So don't hold back and give them everything they deserve!  Enjoy folks

Please remember to get all the stuff you want out of the December folder before the end of January 2021.





Fantastic work as always, love how the ych looks. I also love the look on those femboys you did there, perfect blend of cute and sexy :D I need to see more shortstacks from you!