June-2022 Color 117-120 (Patreon)
--June Pack--
Hello hello.. I'm crazy tired. I thought I had everything for June done but I didn't. Its all done now. Even though this pack is late I think they turned out pretty good. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did making them. Maddie is in a couple of them as well. I love that I get to do art of her. ^^
Anthrocon was great by the way. I am still experiencing anxiety at the start of a con but that's ok. I have always been that way, even when I was selling. Aside from my stupid personal problems I really enjoyed it. The dealer's den was vast and full of great merch. A high light for me were all the amazing fur suits. They always brighten my day.
Thanks for being patient with me. I'm hoping I don't miss the July deadline.. we will see I guess. I am not going to be able to work next week at all due to personal family stuff. Once that is all taken care of I'll hit the art again for you all. You really are the best. thanks! n.n
--Please remember to get all the stuff you want out of the June folder before the end of July 2022.--