Color - ShowCase Triple Masks TF Mia P02 (Patreon)
Foxy Mask hit the target with lot more force that Mia can handle X3 or is she enjoying it now hard to tell so much wrapping around is happenning losing track of all the fun XD
This is where One Mask is Fun, Two Mask is complete excitement, But Three is the Lucky Number that throw to beyond comprehension of Pleasure. Creatius Mask ( AKA Massa ) went and warn but instead " It's Show Time !! " ^^ Enjoy.
Mask ShowCase will be a mini Series Base from all the way Massa can stick to a wearer. Wish you all will love and don't worry There is plenty of places for people to Throw in their favorites.
MegaLinx Style
Here the Link for this wonderful Artist. If you Guys/Gals ever wish to see more of his Work.