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Hey everyone, sorry about the sluggishness of my owed Patreon rewards and commissions. In fact I haven't taken any new commissions since early September. If you've sent me a commission request since September 10th or so and you never got any invoice it's because I decided not to take any new commissions until I caught up. I'm gonna send out new invoices today, but if it's too late or you changed your mind or don't have the money now, I'll understand.

A lot of life events kept getting in the way, here's a short list: Starting in September, the SSD failed on my new PC, the busiest part of the year at my PT job is back to school season and it kept me too exhausted to work on art as much as I normally would. Then in October my grandfather passed away at 93. Once November came around I was feeling burnout again. I have been steadily playing catch-up since September though. I'm getting back on track in December but I now have more PT hours due to it being the holidays, but the shifts are shorter so I'm not gonna be so tired.

Thanks for sticking by me.

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Ah, just as well I planned to wait until Feb-March to comm you again anyway. Thanks for all your hard work these months!


Oh jeez, I'm sorry for your loss... ;n;


I am so sorry


Hang in there pal, I Hope you feel better soon.