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I wanted to do Lynne next as a contrast to Alicia's hitherto relative wholesomeness.




Will there be iceberg on any males or shemale of your ocs.


LOL christ man.

Cincinnatus Eros

I feel like some of these should have an ever deeper level: Things they haven't discovered yet/no one knows about.

John Wayne

Greetings master 👌🏼

Pocket Rovain

I'm loving these sexual icebergs! Can't wait to see more


Hehehe I love how she becomes more vanilla the deeper it goes besides the last part


Will you do Brooke next? We can understand her kinks better and witness her athletic hips 😋


That "peeing in open sunroofs" is very specific. I get the feeling people have come back to their parked cars to find a wet seat and not a cloud in the sky on more than one occasion 🤨


peeing in... open sunroofs? o.O Omorashi? I think I'm going to need to google that one. Also, really hoping we get to see that bottom one, some day. >:3

Texas Gent

Will Billie be next?


lol I sooooo wish there is one for beth and trixie!♡♡


I wanted Lyn's iceberg sooo bad and I was not disappointed~


I've always wondered about Lynne's sexual antics, definitely have a crush on this character LOL


We *desperately* need more Lynne omorashi~


I mean... How close has Genwyn come to sinking at the bottom part of that iceberg?


Wait have we seen her pee in a sunroof and I missed it


I too would love to be impregnated by Genwyn


Lynne gets less depraved the deeper you go, that's... Very interesting character lol


Lynne darkest is being Impregnated by Genwyn...ok

Mari Mcgee

Do an iceberg on Francis


Desdemona, Sissy, or Priscilla would be interesting. I’m assuming they’d be reeeeeaaaal doozies

Glenn Sellers

Lynne has some interesting kinks. That's all I can say about that.


Careful, you're entering Ubisoft "Women are too difficult to animate" territory


This is psychological. you have no idea. If you knew the minds of men you'd never leave the house.


Pretty sure its " I'd like a beer and I'd like to see something naked".. Source: Jeff Foxworthy (joking aside, these are really great😊).


Since people throwing their votes in, guess I'll cast mine. I'd love to see Claire at some point. I know she's not a main, but she's just my absolute favorite (such a sweet cutie). Can't wait to see more of what you have❤


Those are interesting choices! I’d definitely like to see more of Desdemona. I feel like we really don’t know that much about her


Pretty sure we have not seen it. But I'd like to! Would also love to see some of that somnophilia, too.

The Great Heathen King

Do you have a blank sexual iceberg image? Would like to do one for my OC's.


Ha! This is one of the more creative uses of the icebergs I've seen. Interesting way to reveal more about your characters! Also funny to see the more wholesome things kept more secret than the kinks. Thanks for putting up a pole for more of these, it'll be interesting to see how they turn out!


You can commission someone to do the idea, but make them draw their own ice berg.


When we're already talking about men. Whatever is the deal with Fisk? I havent seen art of him for years. Is it because he is married and wholesome overall as a character?