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When I learned about a woman who could orgasm from doing core exercises, I decided to give this amazing flaw to Alicia. I drew her doing bicycle kicks because I thought it'd be the most fun to draw.

I'll finish this for y'all tomorrow.



T-rex 1973

Wonder who she's thinking of when the lightning bolts are striking?

Raven Wolf

Orgasm by what now?


Wait thats actually a thing??


As a woman who can trigger an orgasm by just manipulating the right muscles, can confirm. This is a thing.


For those of you wondering yes this is actually a thing (been a bodybuilder/trainer for about 6 years now). Most of the time it seems to happen during leglifts but I’ve even had a friend tell me she gets “coregasms” from pull-ups. Add this to the women who sometimes pee themselves during deadlifts and squats and you’ve got a real degenerate place without even trying. 😂

Razak Wolf

Absolutely not just unique to women either, I've enjoyed them during intense core workout too


She would be the one too


if only. explains why she's so fit.


Considering the entire concept of Kegal exercises, it doesn't really surprise me much!


I wonder what would if Alicia do push up😏😏😏

Razak Wolf

Id suggest doing Planks to exhaustion for a few sets, that's gets me every time.

Jim D

Now that's an incentive to do crunches.


Heh, thats not a flaw, thats a complete win. XD Even when her daily workout is probably the best orgasm-chain ever. XD