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Ali the Femboy Kitty

God I looooove Mellie. Excited to see more of her!


I’d love to see more of these new characters like Rita and Mellie.


Holy damn~ really loving Mellie

T-rex 1973

Need to dive into her some more. How spicy will she go with strange dick?

Bryant Holmes

Noticing the ring on her finger, was she married to coach?


They're separated at this point in the timeline. I suppose she should stop wearing it.


awesome work! she is so precious <3 'nerd in the sheets, free use in the streets'


Is Sissy around the same age as Lucy and Fisk, or she significantly older/younger? Mellie is older than Sissy, who is older than Brook, but are she and Brice from further back than Better Days? Or are they somewhere in between.


This takes place in the past, so throw out however old you think other comparable characters are.

Matt McCarthy

Where's that guy when I need him?


I know this is in the past. I mean in general. I'm trying to parse out how all the unrelated characters and events fit into the timeline. This is the past, but how far in the past?


Cock side service

Rose Head

He looks GOOD good


Well Aint she just the sweetest, helping a hard working man😊❤


He's just working off his overdue book fines by leaving a deposit with the librarian.


Everyone: I love this! Me: I love this but… how are her glasses staying on 🤔


I draw them hooked behind their cheek fluff. Then it gets covered up with hair.


Man, it's great how expressive you make characters' whole bodies - Mellie's tail frizzing out here is a marvelous touch! The same goes for her heart audibly thumping and head steaming in the middle panel. Plus her initial shocked reaction is superb too! Also, scenes like this demonstrate a major strong point of your artwork. You're great at capturing a tone and mood for a scene. In particular, this kind of sense of danger or naughtiness or defiance of social norms is something you do an absolutely spectacular job with. It really stands out when you do scenes like this because I can't think of anyone else who can capture that feeling as well as you. It's always great to see how well you can do it so it'd be exciting to see more scenes like this from you!