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Something I drew up and decided to color it because I liked it. I still want to eventually do a story where Penny gets tired of Lynne's crap and just ruins her.



Cursed Doll

Easily one of my fav drawings


Please do

Mr. Powell

Don’t normally say this but Oof

Jason Hasdorff

I definetly want to see that.


Yesssss love penny, been wanting more of her

Mary Mauney

This is really cute! I love the “squeak!” and Lynne’s face! I really enjoy the humor in pieces like this.


I'm all in favor of this idea

Tyro Thunderdrone

"Come on Penny, only 3 more sets to go!" XD


Squeaky Clean Up Please....


Straight down the gullet! Love it.

Bryant Holmes

I want to read that story like a fat kid wants cake.


Yess I would love that story


Penny is cute.

Jurann MacRae

Been wondering why you have no characters with fat dicks, like bears or rhinos or such. Some cock variety would be nice now and then. Maybe some ladies with thicker/drapier labia variety would be nice too.


I try to vary up sizes in men and sometimes vary things in women, but I don't go out of my way to draw every wilt and wrinkle in a meaty labia. It's a cost/benefit thing style-wise. More to lose in the picture than there is to gain. Sometimes it factors into how often I draw characters with pubic hair, but there you go.


oh god yes. Love this pic and can't wait for you to do that story! I'll be great!

Pony Stark

Surely Genwyn's tired of her shit too! They should both ruin her


I love penny so much :)

Paul Gabbard

Nah, Gen just acts like he doesn't like it....he's as freaky as she is :P.


oh god yes id love to see that


Lynne should have brought a choker. ;)


Gotta do a recap and reread through some comics to get familiar with some of these characters. Time to do some reading!

Gregor Eder

Well that was a well deserved Sqeuak ;-)