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  • Hitomi_Winpose-Original_Quality.mov
  • Hitomi_Winpose-Phoneusers.m4v



Finally, here it is!
There are quite a lot of things different from the preview version!

I could refine this one even more but I feel like I would produce something better in less time if I would direct my attention to the next animation.
The only thing I am thinking about is sound.
BUT... Here is my problem. I am missing sound effects that would fit into the animation and that is not too over the top or cartoonish. Basically something that feels.. real.  If you can think of any sounds that would be fitting, be it for the background or the action itself... Please feel free to write me a message. Once I have collected a sufficient amount of sounds, I´ll put them into source filmmaker. 

I really hope that you had a fantastic week and that your weekend will be even better!
