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  • PHONEUSERS-Lower_Quality-Hitomi_Belatrix_Bikini-VS_Asuka.m4v
  • Hitomi_Belatrix_Bikini-VS-Asuka.mov



The next couple of days will be quite fun for us! I will upload 3 different alternative outfit-Version in the next 3 days. Since today is the first day of that, here is the first one :P

I actually wanted to only render out one alternative Version but you guys seemed to like many of the outfits. So I let both of my computers render for the last 2 days to give you a little surprise!

I really appreciate you guys. Thank you for all of your support. I really hope that this gives you as much joy as I had while creating it! You are the best!




Wow! That looks fantastic and I'm glad you decided to combine both views :) Hitomi's foot is clipping through Asuka's hair at some points in the first half, but aside from that, it's perfection. And that can be forgiven, heck when I do screens, body parts tend to clip through models, too xD


Thank you very much! I´m glad that you´ve enjoyed it! Well, unfortunately, the "Front-part" of Asuka´s hair is not poseable. I´ve seen that myself but I was unable to change it. I was actually very close to releasing two separate versions of this. Glad I didn´t do it then :P