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"GIVE ME YOUR LUNCH MONEY ASUKA! Or do you want me to beat you up in front of the whole school again?"

From this angle it really does look like Tina is shaking Asuka like this to make her lunch-money fall out of her pocket. I guess I should´ve visted a Japanese school instead! Haha

I am currently finishing up some final lighting related stuff when it comes to this animation. Also.. I will animate Mila to be sitting in the background as Tina´s "Tag-team-bully-partner" for this one :P 

This will be a busy month for you and me. Because I am planning to post a lot of amazing stuff. I currently have a Rear-naked-choke from Mila, a group trample picture including Asuka, the Tina-musclebuster set and some other special stuff that you will love up in production. I can´t wait to share everything with you. 

Also.. I want to thank all of you. It does not matter if you are supporting my creations with 2$,5$,10$ or with 20$ or in one special case even with 40.. I am thankful for each and every one of you. Because of you I was able to get the hang of this program and because of each and every one of you I am able to further improve. I even think that in a few months, we will reach a point where we will get full story animations. Including a leadup.. a fight... and things that connect everything with eachother. Again.. Thank you for supporting me. I really appreciate it.




I think Asuka better do what she's told or Tina will massacre her xD And looking forward to your further creations, good sir.


Well.. I think Asuka´s lunch money is already gone... haha I wonder what else Tina could want from her :P Oh, trust me I have some really nice stuff coming up!


amazing as always, I love when Asuka has witnesses to observe her demise :)


I was thinking of maybe doing more 2 on 1 fights in the future. Maybe a full set of something like that. Would you also like such a thing? And.. It surely is nice that I can put characters in the background now :P