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Hey hey! Just wanted to give a quick little shoutout to everyone that supports my work using USD's. I don't want to make this longer than it needs to be. All I want to say is: You probably want to adjust your Patreon Currency to be charged in Euro's.
While there is a 2.5% conversion fee on that price (0.50$'s), that is still much cheaper than that completely out of date dollar conversion that Patreon still uses for some reason.

So currently.. if you pay in Dollars, you will see a price of 25.50$'s. However.. The actual price for the gold-tier is 20€'s. And that has never changed. And since the dollar and Euro are currently 1-1 in terms of conversions.. You would pay 20.50$'s if you paid in Euro's. Don't ask me why this isn't updated yet.. But it's not something that I have any influence on. That has to be done by the platform Patreon and not by me. I just wanted to let you know so that you can safe yourself some Money and that you don't have to overpay for my Tiers!

In even shorter:
Change your currency from USD to Euro. Your price will go from 25,50$'s to 20€'s, which should come out around 20,50$'s if you include conversion fees.



I don't think there's any change for me, it still shows 100 PLN for me (in my value), so I don't think I need to change it.


I mostly noticed this with USD. Anyone with USD that was able to get a positive return uppon changing? Would be quite interesting to know!