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Seems like Asuka isn't the only one who has a reason to fear the goddess. While being immeasurably less important to the power of the goddess, Honoka still ended up within these deadly clutches. And judging by the misty surroundings around the ring that Honoka suddenly found herself in, you could almost think that she had been pulled into a different world by her opponent. Most likely all thanks to her newly found evil powers.

Personal comment:

Geez I seem to love this move. Just the visuals of the body of the entire body, while staring into the submissives face who's being crushed into submission. But clearly, the best part is always the aggressor who applies such a beautiful hold. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do and don't grow bored of seeing it! : 3

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Remember to put a like onto the posts that you enjoyed the most. It will increase the chances on a follow-up part of that creation!




Beautiful. Those legs are lovely as they are deadly. Honoka is lucky to have the goddess squeezing her. Though she may not feel so at the moment.


Good Lord, Alexa looks incredible!


They do! And keeping that backstory in mind.. They will only look more and more impressive with every single squeeze and every single defeated and broken foe!