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I have a bit of a dilemma. Something, that I keep stumbling into.
On the one hand, I want to offer a continuous upload-schedule, giving everyone something to look at roughly every week. And I think I have asked this question before, but I just wanted to ask it again with how it is on my mind at the current moment.

Would you rather: Have smaller weekly uploads (Smaller meaning Photosets and small animation loops instead of Big Animations like the Lisa-series)

Or: Would you rather have me focus more on the actual big-animations? That'll have me dedicate several weeks towards animated projects. While that results in less uploads overall, it'll make the bigger-projects more frequent. Meaning an increase in Animations which as of right now have only been appearing every 2-4 months.

All of these things take quite a bit of time. And I am a bit of a perfectionist. When I make something "Quick" to upload and fill the schedule while giving something to look at for the time being, it turns into a process where I'll try to do my very best to make it as good as it can be. Which then takes quite a bit of time for what started out being a 'small-thing'. There was a time in which I have figured out, that people became a whole lot more active when I dialed the uploads back but uploaded some bigger projects in the forms of animations instead. But with numbers going up and down, sometimes as a creator it'll trouble your mind, pressuring you into wanting to upload something to not have a big-break.

I wonder what all of you think about this topic. I didn't want to exclude you from this rather important decision. Personally, I think I would rather have fewer-uploads but make those bigger and even more meaningful. Please do let me know what you think!


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