Upcoming animation - Update (Patreon)
I'll expect the animation to be done in about 2 days. Until then, I hope you are excited for this one!
Additional Insight:
Hey hey, just wanted to let you know that I've been hard at work for the upcoming animation. I have not fallen silent for no reason! : 3
As the voting poll concluded, every now and then I'll focus on animations rather than photosets. Those take quite a bit longer. Not only for the animating part but also for various fixes which need to be done more in depth (PLUS A LOT OF OTHER STUFF) AAAND: The soundedit at the end. So if I ever fall silent for about 2 weeks? Then there's probably something big in the works. I would love to communicate more, but I feel that the way Patreon works, that it ends up immensely cluttered. So I decided to mostly limit my posts to the important stuff or new releases. But maybe we should find a place where I can share some updates more easily without further cluttering the timeline. (Thank god for the website, because browsing stuff on Patreon is just.. messy. And it's also unable to be changed by me lel)
But anyways, long story short? There's a teeny tiny preview on T7W.gallery .
A bigger preview can be seen in the discord server! So if you haven't joined it yet, this might be a good time!
ps: when I made this, I realized that this was actually the very first time that I've made an animation that featured sound and had Tina in it. Had to dig for some fitting soundfiles for quite a bit. Ha.