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A brand new year is upon us and we're hitting the ground running. This schedule comes into effect Monday 1st of Jan so doesn't include things that will be uploaded this weekend :)

We've got some new/updated things coming to the schedule, as well as a bunch of the usuals. The main thing to note for this month is that a lot of focus is going to be put on finishing up shows that I originally wanted to finish before the new year but couldn't and because of this, there are still some things on hiatus.

Oh also, I've said in some videos that I have plans to bring back the Re/Discovery series (though a little differently) and I do, but I'm holding off for now because of what I said above! I'm hoping that by March or April (at the latest) I'll be able to bring that in without it being overwhelming.

Okay, here we go! Happy New Year, here's your January schedule:


*I am now dedicating a day to anime & k-dramas so I can start putting some proper time and focus into the list that just keeps growing (also I know Avatar is technically American so idk if it's actually considered an "anime" per se but it's an animated show that I've wanted to watch for literal years so...)*


*The competition shows will be alternated with each other week to week*

ALBUM LISTENS (Mon, Tue, Wed or Fri)

*This list may grow as more releases are announced*

SHOWS: (Mon, Tue, Wed or Fri)

*everything listed here will be done at least once during the month*

ONE-OFFS: VARIETY & OTHER (Mon, Tue, Wed or Fri)

Well then, I think we've got more than enough to be getting on with and I'm very excited to jump into it all.

As before, I'll keep this post updated with links to each reaction as they happen so everyone can find things easily.

See you soon!

- Kaia

p.s. I have disabled comments on this post (and will do so for future schedule posts) to discourage requests :)



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