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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/34rl6pytfk90zjr3eu5y7/FTISLAND-Sage-Mitaiken-Future-live.mp4?rlkey=nyqgfnyi8g5c5o753ulzyw6mi&st=dpnn7ezi&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m41M3wa1tC5JvMepvGTcmuW3xiUUvT9u/view?usp=sharing



צופיה אהרונוביץ

Yayyy I was hoping for someone to ask for more of ft.island because there is so much more than only the killing voice, I mean only lee hong ki came to the killing voice, but as you saw the sub vocalist is also really great, and the drummer is insanely good!! I appreciate drummers since my brother used to play drums as well, and so I want you to see their personalities as well they are so funny, and they actually debuted in really young age so that's why they are experienced with their vocals while parting on stage

Dyah Agustina Murtafiah

Ft island! I like this band. I wish you could also check One OK Rock out. It's rock band from Japan. Their live stages are always better that studio version 😆


Next is cnblue!


I'm glad you enjoyed watching FTISLAND's videos! Dingo Killing voice was a video that left me disappointed in many ways as a fan of theirs. I didn't want you to remember FTISLAND only from that video, so I requested reactions to the Concet live video. I would be very happy if your image of FTISLAND changed in a positive way!