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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b580hjyvyfe7l6do7n5e7/SNSD-on-Running-Man-EP363-PT1.m4v?rlkey=n9c91kf4iz6zv2sq11yzswfhq&st=kb6i7kxz&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q6SJxaOcTah9RTCQUnnvCgUEH5WoUjWu/view?usp=sharing




We know they're true variety queen when in fact they are actually close with ji seokjin (esp sunny they always comment on each other ig) but pretend they did not want to partner with him to make things interesting and literally them all good at reading things and take part of it to make things funnier,LOL. BTW:Hope Aaron will watch Snsd on Knowing Brothers EP.88&89 later, they are very funny.


Pllllssss watch Running man ep 64 &65 !!! and Hello Baby plssss

Roms Galo

It because Ji seokjin is the weakest between Running man members and usually running man is about physical abilities


Taeyeon's episode on Bambam's house please


soshis diary? you mean intimate note?