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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yykaadb26fdmtm1zq4h2d/EXO-Run-This-Drop-That-Power-at-EXOPLANET-4-The-ElyXion.mp4?rlkey=psjoa6w2stoeala3zzzbfj9g7&st=mvk7w7oy&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FYY62KISB44gBvv1u3fAf71ODkoiBXjt/view?usp=sharing



Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

This wasn't the end of the concert, then they comeback . Drop that live version Hits hard, there is another performance of Drop that Chen hit High note for while, that is Drop that exo keep on dancing let's out beast run , it begin Chanyeol play electric guitar 🎸 . Pls react to that. Or call me baby touch it Chill,is like musicals live stage.

Popo Zeta

Omg I know which ones u are talking about https://youtu.be/ckNzqJx6b4g?si=T-NdhJyYhi4Z25Lq And https://youtu.be/HavTlSmzmmI?si=Uljp6oVLKlUWaZdm

צופיה אהרונוביץ

And I can say that was worth it, although you didn't like those songs on their own, on stage they are always hitting different, and the energy is always so high!!

Katie Ahn

It is not very Ended🤭

Arni Pebruarti

Thanks Aaron , more exo please❤️