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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7ubbxhj334mxo5sv9ig73/TZUYU-Reality-All-abouTZU-EP.3.m4v?rlkey=87dt5zof1umu9kc707srdgi2w&st=0h9myhgb&dl=0

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Angie Redondo

I don't remember where but Tzuyu said her Korean name would be Juhee as a joke, so her staff has been jokingly calling her that.

The Lazy Ass Gamer

To be fair, the "See Food" diet is everyone's diet, it's a good diet to maintain 😂 / And yes the SUBS are correct when they spelled out "Juhee" (a Korean female name with a similar pronunciation to the name Tzuyu), eversince her trainee days, the staff, and the members of SIXTEEN have affectionally called Tzuyu as "Juhee" and has been her nickname eversince.

The Lazy Ass Gamer

I always forget that Kaya & Butter is a mother and daughter pups (Kaya the mom), Tzu was supposedly only buying Butter, but when she saw Kaya alone with all her puppies sold, she asked the owner if she could buy and take home Kaya as well. 😍