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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9ek1vjkznfdfrvrdxove8/Exo-Ladder-S2ep15-16-17-1.m4v?rlkey=96honcsgybqgko65tod6k7v1q&st=wq4qqovc&dl=0

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Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

How they welcome their maknea was soo adorable. And I love how kyungsoo when to the fridge that is our chef kyungsoo i remember xiumin housewarming party he did the same. I wish Sehunnie was also the race car but he was doing another variety show with other celebrities that is why he couldn't joint hem from first episode, and he scared to sleep alone, you will see how The members babying Sehunnie or spoil him even kai who is only three months old than him. The room are bigger they can share since is game they have to follow rules jus like kyungsoo said. Poor kai he is unlucky when to come game but he won that race car in superm reality show. Pouting kai and chen are adorable. I prefer to be alone i don't want anyone to stay with me I' m introvert &homebody when i don't have schedule i love to stay home.

Tommy C

Sehun was filming "Busted" at the times, so he might be scared because of that. I really recommend you check it out after this. It is 3 seasons detective reality show, it's super fun and Sehun was hilarious in it.