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Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

First happy new year Aaron a🎆🎇 baekhyun know kyungsoo is foodie jus like him that is why he doesn't use his reset, and you will feel poor suho the rest episode they love to mess with him they don't attack sehunnie is he is the maknea on top, I love how all members get excited to hit baekhyun because is not easy to get him 😁 btw suho said EXO will comeback on September when sehunnie discharge. We have to wait little bit soo Exited thanks for the reaction , get well soon


EXO isn't EXO if they aren't roasting and teasing Suho😂


No offence meant, but can you please pause when you want to talk about something 😅 I’m enjoying your EXO journey and came from YouTube liking your reactions to EXO and SM artists for a while :)


Everytime when there is a chance, they always tease Suho. I don’t know why, also Suho is very calm and accepts that, and just laughs at their teasing. They let Sehun to not eat wasabi, because he’s new to the game, but not Suho😭 But, they don’t like it when others tease their leader 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ and immediately defend him.


Please react Exo Arcade