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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lxoyrmh2x4mlo13624zj6/Surviving-winter-is-just-an-excuse-Pinggyego-EP.38-with-IU-PT.2.m4v?rlkey=davlt4ivz9wph2t84djehvurq&st=91ikordy&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gVh1edhuY-Q1al6_fO_91pyPxoGeicWK/view?usp=sharing




IU in Halmyungsoo is also fun... can i also recommend IU in PIXID, im sure you're gonna enjoy this one too. It is sort of a game where IU pretend to be a newbie among other non celebrity participants (shown same period as pinggyego and halmyungsoo). https://youtu.be/B-pjIiuoi9A?si=pEmopzVGrlMAASSO .... another one is the latest Yoo Inna Radio..


아이유가 일을 너무 열심히 한 덕에 볼 수 있는 프로그램이 많네.아론의 일이 많아질듯 ㅋ아이유가 집에서만 쉬는 이유를 알거같아. 빠더너스와 출장십오야도 출연했는데 언젠간 볼 수 있기를! 그리고 아론의 MBTI궁금한데 ㅋㅋ ESTJ같기도😅