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Hello everyone, I'm very sorry to tell you about this, but unfortunately all Patreon reactions are going to be delayed because of my eye condition. I can't film these kind of reactions with my sunglasses on because I don't give as many comments as I do during my music reactions so I think without seeing my eyes the reactions would feel incomplete. Once my eye heals I will catch up with the schedule and make up for the delay. I'm sorry once again and thank you for understanding



Get well soon


It’s okay!! Feel better!


It’s okay no pressure! Get well soon❤️


Get well soon Aaron! Take some rest😊


It's okay rest well and get well soon 💜

Layla 55

Get well soon Aaron it's ok take your time. 👍🏻

technical difficulties

i hope your eye heals soon, you deserve the break 🥺 purple you 💜


get well soon🤍


Thats totally ok!!! I think you dont need to say sorry. If you dont feel well then you decide what you do and what not!!!


It's okay Aaron! Take some rest 😊


It's ok Aaron, don't worry man. Take care of yourself first. 👍

Bia M.

It’s ok! Rest your eyes♥️

Amira Shazwani

its okay! Get well soon Aaron 💜


That's okay take as much time off as u need take care of yourself. stay healthy xx 💜💜

Penny D Young

Get well soon! Take care yourself first!

Laura Dytfeld

Of course x take care of yourself and come back when ready


Get well soon Aaron. That’s okay. Your health is way more important so no need to rush in reacting to videos. If you are not feeling well then u don’t hv to sit in front of your computer to do reaction videos. Take some rest peacefully. Stay healthy and stay safe 💜


It's okay! Get well soon! And we'll miss u for the time being 🤗🤗🤗


your health comes first!! I hope you recover nicely aaron!


just like idols who need their rest, take your time and dont worry about schedules. health comes first!! ❤️

Mr Jackpots

Man Wol waited a thousand years. I think I can wait to see more of her story.

Echo Dvc

All good, hope you get better soon 💛


take care of yourself, it’s okay 💛


Take care and we will wait 💜💜💜

Mr Jackpots

Such a bad time for this to happen. Dreamcatcher just dropped Boca, the zombie version. You have got to see that!


Всё нормально! Можем ли мы ждать какие-то реакции на песни BTS или ТХТ???

Chim Kookie

It's ok......don't worry about us....no matter how long it takes, we can wait 😊😊

sammy kivett

don't worry man. get well soon