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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/wbpusj0vu3npt5d/Hyoris%20Bed%20And%20Breakfast%20Ep6pt2-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kTBdxXwo3hKHIoJ61e3QzsxmycC3Wvqf/view?usp=sharing




It’s been bothering me that I couldn’t recognize the music that was playing when Hyori was doing yoga, because it sounded so familiar to me but I finally found it in my reading playlist! It’s Gymnopédies No. 1 by Erik Satie


Aaron, the reason Hyori and even the show itself teased the way IU run is because she is known for slipping and falling very often. She even has nickname called 꽈당아이유 (꽈당 is sound of someone falling). She tends to run softly just like she did on this show so that she doesn't fall. It is one of her cute charm and everyone adores how she run . So don't be sad when people tease her way of running. :)

Mad The human

That right there are the richest female kpop idols working together in one house.