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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xg52aifirlm74r/Dreamcatcher%20Mind%20Ep1-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/11JaRXMrJwN1LeI_SOHNRrmPihYhyOixb/view?usp=sharing




Lol Jamake is the Subtitle Company/Service that Happy Face uses to translate Dreamcatcher videos. The series has been great so far, if anything Ep1 is the most laid back. Gahyeon said that everyone plays the games, but they only pick the best reactions for the show. She said they looked at analytics, and determined around 20 minutes is the best. So they cut it down to fit around there.


Now the regular patreon content added dreamcatcher? So it's a 6 days rotation from now on?


About the comeback happening at the end of the reality show. Jiu said the CEO wants to have 3 Korean comebacks this year. So a lot of people, myself included, thought that they would have a comeback in May/June which would be around 4 months after Odd Eye. Then have another comeback 4 months later maybe around Halloween or a little later. Nice even spacing between each comeback, so they can rest or vacation a little. Although like you said, its looking more like late July or early August once the reality show ends. So they will have to have a faster turn around time between comeback 2 and 3 if they want to make it before the end of the year.


Yes it's 6 days rotation for the time being during these 10 episodes, for now I'm only planning to watch this series of Dreamcatcher videos and once we're done we'll either revert back to 5 days rotation or Dreamcatcher will become a part of regular content



Brandon Holmes

Its a fun series, but holy crap Episode 6 is all I will say.