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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/hy4ekzpa0pp1jxh/Bts%20In%20The%20Soop%20Season2%20Ep4pt2-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr_lQ9FFUvAzzHGCjWLxpI_n0IX-W7cT/view?usp=sharing



technical difficulties

I usually watch some rant videos about media, such as video games, movies.. then definitely some Run BTS episodes. I sometimes watch dark themed commentary videos while eating (I think Nexpo's series "Disturbing Things from Around the Internet" is probably the best example.. I like creepy stuff) and sometimes some The Sims franchise content (not let's plays, more like speed build videos and just content reviews). So honestly.. a healthy balance if you ask me