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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/sk49zogzqpt2gd7/Iu%20On%20Healing%20Camp-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/15SUA7Kz4t5ggm0zuzn_IoA5vA-HGH0K0/view?usp=sharing



Reimarie Canales

Would love the IU TV reaction. You'll get to know her more. Heads up for the older IUTV it does not have an eng sub on her own channel but you can find it on 1theK for the same video with eng sub.


I don't know if the explanation will help, but to explain. youthfulness(chungchun) means youth, but it is also a metaphorical expression of the youth itself, which includes all the feelings of love, pain and passion experienced in youth. In this sense, the reason why he was jealous of her is that she is having a youth that he can't go back to, and in the same vein, she's comparing herself to youth by saying, "I'm your youth."