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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8i1msdf3gwinho/Descendants%20Of%20The%20Sun%20Ep10-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rUgte9CtBkFNTmZH24DLmFQxxI4OoPuv/view?usp=share_link



서연 조

Hey Aaron... You are always so serious when you watch dramas. lol It's not a documentary, it's just a drama. It's fiction...🤣 Of course, there are many scenes where Descendants of the Sun are not realistic. After this drama review, I recommend Mr. Sunshine. It is very realistic and explains the history of Korea well.


I hope you react to The Glory!


Yesssss! Highly recommend!!! The latest hot topic!

Eugenia Klassen

of course there are unrealistik scene it a movie not a life flashback