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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/zaik1z410tbqnrr/Sea%20Of%20Hope%20Ep5pt3-1.m4v?dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b1FGx4NdPmzSEAsnO4BjCyJezsqiqgCY/view?usp=share_link



jinkichimchim (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-01 21:18:03 I love that kind of weather
2023-07-01 21:18:03 I love that kind of weather
2023-07-01 21:18:03 I love that kind of weather
2023-07-01 21:18:03 I love that kind of weather
2023-06-01 21:29:21 I love that kind of weather

I love that kind of weather

Johnny Deep

Aaron, in case you're still searching for further episodes with Fully translated Korean on-screen captions. I got it from @Bada_albasubs on Twitter (they were special team formed by themselves for this show)