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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e0zbaf1ziqm42i4nqr11c/Memories-Of-Murder-3-1.m4v?rlkey=qwsa4fqwcc8pp0cd12wzmiqbn&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F2X2q3bu5RV2dBQDHuhqUx4-hA6it4qP/view?usp=sharing




Aaron if you want to watch recent style and little bit easy to understand of k movie Iwill recommand “EXIT” Main actor is Yoona(소녀시대) and 조정석(who act movie”Brother” with. Exo DO) was quite huge hit in korea And their acting was great either I think to understand the movie like”memory of murder” require korea history and culture. So it is little bit hard to aaron. You can start with easy movie After than u can easily understand

음 파

Recommending "decision to leave(2022)" by park chan wook. Best movie I've watched in 2022 along with "after yang"👍👍