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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kooewmmu3b6xy1uie0zez/Street-Dance-Girls-Fighter-Ep4-Pt3-1.m4v?rlkey=7sqvhepn2oq8ow1wf2if8mttd&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VmdD_aYsbOQWpwX9lLpQVSd3sKK_ae9o/view?usp=sharing




I can guarantee Aaron, EVERYONE was SOOO shocked, almost all viewers of this show, especially when it was still airing on TV, when Amazon was eliminated. Not gonna lie, CLC also slayed, but people were so disappointed that Lachica chose CLC. Because Amazon are legit gold. They're like dancing machines and monsters. They literally killed it. So it was hard for everyone to believe and accept that they got eliminated 😭😭😭


Yes you are not alone Aaron lol.. when it was aired actually la chica got some hates due to their biased decision. For the free style everyone was great but for the performance Amazon was definitely better. Everyone expected that Amazon and Turns will compete each other for the winner. And also Mnet wanted that like they tried to edit it like they are against each other when actually they are very close friends lol. Everyone was so disappointed.. But there is a news that Hyerim who is the leader of Amazone really participated in SWF season 2 right now! And also after watching this episode again, i want you to know that they are all already close before the show. The dance scene is not large and more than half of them are in the same high school. Some of Squid and Turns were also already friends. That’s why they kept calling their names very friendly during the battle and some of them were yelling **sunbaenim i love you lol. Newneon, Turns, Amazon etc are all in same school and they are all friends. Also those who got outstanding skills and got lots of screen time, they are almost in the same class cuz they are same grade and that grade is very famous for their skills. I think almost all of the leaders are in that class. https://youtu.be/IixCCsoCzug https://youtu.be/8NRBO4fAzfo These are the famous video of them. It’s amazing you will like it!


And this is my personal thoughts so hope you don’t feel bad while reading this. If you think of Turns’ mentions the only thing they criticized was about dancing and showed their confidence of skills. And when you compared to SWF crews, they really talked softly. In SWF all of the crews showed their confidence with more fierce words 😂. I don’t know why you thought Turns‘ attitude was arrogant. Was the translation bad..? Cause the way they talking felt polite to me.. And during the show the crews who got hates due to their attitude were other(i will not mention, it’s a spoiler) and there were no bad reaction on Turns’ attitude. Lastly hope you know that Mnet is very famous for fake editing history. They just put other reactions to the different situation and mix words and make a sentence they don’t even said. For example in SWF Yeojung from YGX got so much hate when she asked ‘are you ok?’ to Noze because Ment edited like it was rude but actually they were best friends. But thoughts are always different for each person, so I'm not forcing my thoughts on you. I just wrote it in case there was a misunderstanding.😊 My English is not perfect so please understand me if my expression were not polite. Anyway always enjoyed your reaction! Thank you☺️