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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hmbvtarm3ng2f78oakb9g/Iu-Tv-Tour-Concert-Palette-In-Cheongju-1.m4v?rlkey=eufuu17nyap3fklp053jpvjhb&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bsS1w5pxvB8CmebCV6jz2rMuweoYpFR-/view?usp=sharing




Love her genuine effort and love to her fans through concerts🥺 Btw Epik High is very popular and well respected hip hop group in korea. They debuted a long time ago but still active. They have very popular songs and famous in Korea. Two of them are rappers and one is DJ. They are the one that BTS raplines respect so much and they are raplines’ idol before their debut, they are even one of their influences to have a dream of rapper. They even have lyrics mentioning Epik High. And now they did some collaboration and they are good friends. Successful fan😆. I’m not their fan but i know that they are really good and strong people. Especially Tablo went through so much hardship.. He appeared in Suchwita! https://youtu.be/rejl6KNXbgo IU and they also did a collaboration called Love Story. It’s a song in the video! It’s good and it was also very popular song in korea. https://youtu.be/BrFBdIkK99Y This is another live performance in Epik High concert. And about Iu can have so many different guests in her concert, i think it’s because she is IU haha Just to be on her concert guest is so honored and have huge influence to the public, plus she is so good to everyone🥺

Joo Young

Oh another thing, she actually hold a fan meeting in 2018 dedicated to her teenager fans