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The reason why she didn’t call the police for the family violence, is that even if they came, it will be just a temporary protection. I heard that polices are not taking big action just for hitting.. I bet she already tried but it won’t work and he is still hitting them. And even if she sue him, you know, he can’t get a death penalty sadly.. And even if she divorced with him, there’s still possible danger that he will find them and pose a threat or even more. I think that’s why she decided to end the violence completely by killing him. But she hopes no harm comes to her daughter. When her husband died, she, as his wife, would naturally be suspected, and her daughter should have nothing to do with it, so she had to be sent abroad, and to do so, she needed money, so she joined hands with Dong-eun. And until all this work is done, I think she stays at home instead of running away so as not to provoke her husband or raise suspicion. Since they are legally family, it will be very easy to find them. It’s sad but the reality is like that… everything is temporary action until he die.. and that’s why there’s still so many family violence in all over the world..


It’s sad and I also can’t understand and mad about law but you know there’s still so many family violence, school violence, workplace violence, dating abuse, stalking etc, and many people are dying because of that even if they try to escape, report them etc.