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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h2ytunc4is5b3ivsjrecj/Taeyeon-To-The-Moon-Wildfire-at-The-Odd-Of-Love.mp4?rlkey=bab60ak3t8up47lxrx4r3rwce&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BrAVkWttSWRXZQ9rG2gK6z3ch1QTshtk/view?usp=sharing




Taeyeon participated in the lyrics making of To the Moon! She wrote the lyrics thinking about Zero, and hence the playful vibe of the song! After Wildfire is a long instrumental break which is also very enjoyable though, the band transitioned the song to some African style precussion? Not quite sure but it's so so good when listen in person!

Victoria Agerbo

Hey, just wondering if you forgot to post BTS run? Since its been 2 weeks. I know you skip one BTS day, but wasn't this a BTS day?


Hi! I'll post it today! I explained the new schedule I'm trying out in the post a few days ago. I'll update everything in the next few days so the schedule is nice and easy to understand


She only sang one part of wildfire and the rest of the song was used to introduce and give credits to dancers and the band, pretty cool segment I kinda wish to be able to watch that part again but most of the fan cams didn’t included it in their videos.