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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jxoae7gdkl217mk1papvt/Street-Woman-Fighter-2-Ep7-Pt2-1.m4v?rlkey=8j7guvqke0d3zu958qcct5ryq&dl=0

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Hwasa actually monitored every crew's performances not just 1M and JR but they didnt show it in this ep. it kinda sucks that the tiktok challenge aspect of the mission really affected not only the crews' process of choreographing but Hwasa's judgement because she's someone that's really involved in her craft and it was pretty obv that she would've chosen JR as the winner, but ofc 1M deserved that 1st place. both crews were super strong but for different aspects like you said. and yeah i also agree Wolflo's demo choreo was better than what they ended up with. although changing up the formations was definitely a great call.