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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/32fuon1d0l52pl4z9ltpx/IU-dlwlrma-Every-End-of-the-Day-at-The-Golden-Hour-Concert.mp4?rlkey=73ckna4x54b0p2dmuogpe5cy7&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Szdc8b20jJRo3gu_qfVVLYy0Zds68QJl/view?usp=sharing



신원 정

She wanted to start performing 'Eight' when the sun went down, so she started performing at 7 p.m. However, the stadium is outdoors, so it can only be performed until 10 o'clock.


She intentionally took of the in ears. She said the monitor wasn't working. but she still proceeded to sing perfectly in a stadium full of echoes TT.