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Sorry for the recent lack of activity but my computer died around a week ago, leaving me unable to color anything... at this point, it seems that several parts of my pc are broken (something went wrong with the electricity and went trough everything...). Now Im waiting to see if I can fix it and save some parts of it. Also, pray with me for my actual wips to be saved (if thats not the case, I will take back the physical drawings of these and clean/assemble it again).
Anyway, sorry for all the text. while waiting for any news, I can still draw on paper as always so... If any of you feels like getting a black and white comm on an A4 sheet, its welcome even more than usual xD

here are some recent pics (more coming) thank you all for the support, things should be back to normal in a week or two :)




Look at that beautifull ass, want to apply a good amount of sunscreen on It 😏


Ah shit this sucks but try to get bummed to much about it, sometimes shit happens and its not your fault.


thats exactly the mental state Im right now, I accept^^ things will be entirely back to normal very soon I hope